jueves, octubre 17, 2024

InicioEspañolSin categorizarInvesting in San Blas is investing in sun, beach, culture, history and...

Investing in San Blas is investing in sun, beach, culture, history and gastronomy


Playa La Manzanilla is an ecotourism project located in the area of ​​San Blas, Nayarit. Infrastructure will be detonated and supplied in specific places of this municipality, considering its growth potential.

The development is located at kilometer 18 of highway 54 to San Blas, it has a total area of ​​118,574 square meters to be developed. The property has the appropriate densities of tourist, hotel and residential land use, so all projects are feasible in this area.

invertir en san blas On Bahia Magazine Destinos Sin categorizar Entrada

It also has an area of ​​7,038 meters facing the sea, limited to the north by the Pacific Ocean and to the south by the Agua Caliente stream, emanating in the heart of the property.

It has the concession of the terrestrial maritime federal zone issued by the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources.

The greatest added value of the property are the springs that are born within the same piece of ground. They are fresh and transparent water currents merged with local vegetation creating unique landscapes. It has the title of surface water concession and federal zone, issued by the National Water Commission.

desarrollo la manzanilla en san blas On Bahia Magazine Destinos Sin categorizar Entrada

The communication routes to this area are the Tepic – San Blas highway, a future Las Varas – San Blas highway, federal highway number 15 Sinaloa – San Blas, the Tepic airport and of course the Puerto Vallarta International Airport.

This development will be surrounded by important projects managed by Fonatur, among them: the urban tourist reorganization of San Blas, the trails and channels for bird watching in Singaita, the water park and hotel development in Playa El Borrego, Bioparque La Tovara, Las Islitas Adventure Park, Matanchén Tourist Boardwalk, among others.


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La Manzanilla development is located 15 minutes from San Blas and one hour from the city of Tepic.

Marc Murphy
Tourism Consulting & Development |
Property Management & Realty


Norma Hernández
Norma Hernández
Lic. en Turismo, periodista y comunicadora, con una pasión innata por el periodismo y una experiencia de 33 años en esta profesión. A lo largo de su carrera, ha desempeñado roles destacados como editora de periódicos y revistas, lo que le ha permitido adquirir un conocimiento profundo del mundo editorial y una visión privilegiada sobre cómo contar historias de manera efectiva. Su pasión se encuentra en la escritura de turismo, gastronomía y viajes.

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