lunes, mayo 6, 2024

InicioEspañolSin categorizarGastronomy, Mixology and Music at the Bahía Xalisco Festival in Majahuitas

Gastronomy, Mixology and Music at the Bahía Xalisco Festival in Majahuitas

Por Norma A. Hernández / PUERTO VALLARTA.- It all started with an idea, like all great events. It occurred to chef Mario Castro, an executive at Vallarta Adventures, who one day asked himself, “Why not?” Later he shared his idea with other chef friends, who loved it… And that is how Bahía Xalisco Festival by Majahuitas came about, an event that will combine gastronomy, mixology and music, in the exuberant setting of Majahuitas beach.

Majahuitas, one of the most beautiful beaches in Cabo Corrientes, Jalisco, is located two kilometers west of the coastal community of Quimixto, about 29 kilometers from Puerto Vallarta.

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Playa Majahuitas.

The festival will take place next Sunday, June 5, World Environment Day, so it will have a very special connotation since it is no coincidence that it takes place on that date, Chef Castro reported at a press conference.

Chef Mario Castro On Bahia Magazine Destinos Sin categorizar Entrada
Chef Mario Castro. (Fotos: Rodolfo Preciado para Bahía Magazine Destinos).

“One of the main objectives of this gathering of friends is to create awareness about the protection of the environment, the care of beaches, marine species, and all natural resources,” he said.

Along with the organizer were most of the chefs and mixologists who will participate in the festival, who expressed their excitement not only because for the first time they will live a similar experience, -since there will be 21 chefs and 13 mixologists, in addition to 1 DJ, who will be cooking together – but because they will also contribute to a good cause.

chefs participantes bahia xalisco festival On Bahia Magazine Destinos Sin categorizar Entrada

“It will be a party with friends, a day at the beach, in which we will enjoy the pleasure of cooking, but also everything that a place as wonderful as Majahuitas offers.”

Right on the beach there will be food and drink stations, all very varied and with the special touch of each chef, which will offer everything from “tiraditos” of fresh tuna and ceviches, to grilled grilled fish and Argentine grill, suckling pig and grilled lamb. . There will also be a vegan cuisine and salad station, and a dessert salad.

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Mario Castro + Club Majahuitas / Guillermo Wulff + Barrio Bistro

Joel Ornelas + Tintoque / Daniel Núñez + Carao by Enrique Olvera

Jesús Vázquez + Luna 42 Bahía / Leopoldo Cortez + D’Cortez

Mario Borja + Ch’a / Gaetano Fernández + La Tosca / Antonio Reyna + D’Santini

Everardo Robles + Le Kliff / Mauricio Leal + Icú / Rafael Castillo + Sheraton

Jaime Macías + Hard Rock / Lacho Ruiz + Palmasola  / Miguel Valenzuela + Florios

Oliver Applegate + D’ Cántaro / Hugo Ahumada + Cocina Poética

Hugo Chávez + Azul Botanas del Mar / Arquímides Colmenares + Casa Cavaeo

Ángel Álvarez + Magic Gourmet / Jerry Sandoval Catering.


Javier de León / Diego Ramírez + Karuma / Nacho Díaz + Lobster Paradise

Leo Soca + IK Mixology / Rodolfo Escudero + Noroc

Gabriel Tiznado + Mmugazz / Dan Rodríguez + Hantik

Ricardo González + Lobster Paradise /  Jesús Donat + Marival Armony

Pablo Velarde + Mmugazz / Memo Trejo + Barra 322

Malberto Mendoza + Noroc / Ahtziri Rodríguez + La Tosca

cartel bahia xalisco majahuitas On Bahia Magazine Destinos Sin categorizar Entrada


+ Event cost $1,600 MXN + Round trip transportation $600 MXN

+ Departure time 2:30 p.m. (arrive 20 minutes before to check-in, they will be transported by Apex or Catamaran).

+ Departures: Nuevo Vallarta (Vallarta Adventures offices) and API maritime terminal (in front of Galerías)

+ The event starts at 3:15 p.m. and ends at 8:00 p.m.

+ Children under 12 years free access RESERVATIONS: @majahuitas | Tel. 322-245-0983


Norma Hernández
Norma Hernández
Lic. en Turismo, periodista y comunicadora, con una pasión innata por el periodismo y una experiencia de 33 años en esta profesión. A lo largo de su carrera, ha desempeñado roles destacados como editora de periódicos y revistas, lo que le ha permitido adquirir un conocimiento profundo del mundo editorial y una visión privilegiada sobre cómo contar historias de manera efectiva. Su pasión se encuentra en la escritura de turismo, gastronomía y viajes.

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